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Business of Speaking School

Total Immersion Day

The kick-off for this amazing training is a one-day Business of Speaking School (BOSS) event. We offer this session four times each year.

After this marathon session, you’ll return home with a plan for launching or reworking your speaking business. You will receive a lifetime of wisdom – 30 years’ worth – in 14 hours.

To enhance this experience, this option includes the following:

---> A pre-event call to help the client prepare for this total immersion day.

---> A comprehensive review of any of your current marketing materials and suggestions for revision

---> Discussion of the topics, goals, and objectives of your current business model

---> Our speaking business checklist will help you retain the skills you’ve discovered during our time together

---> A follow-up call with Dave Lorenzo after the intensive to ask questions and review action items.

This is a long day that begins at 8 AM and runs through 9:30 PM.

The investment for this option is $3,255, which includes continental breakfast, a working lunch, and a group dinner on the day of the event. There is also a “night owl” session after dinner from 7:30 – 9:30 PM.

This is the most intense one-day program ever offered for becoming a paid public speaker.


We offer this program multiple times each year. As an alumni of this one-day BOSS marathon session, you may re-enroll and attend again at any time by paying a nominal “alumni rate” to secure a seat (typically about $300).

These refresher sessions are a valuable way to stay sharp and discover cutting-edge techniques for getting more speaking gigs. Attend as many times as you like.



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